A professional and experienced partner for all legal services to companies and private individuals
Pontus Lindberg & Co Oy

Private Individuals

The need of a private individual to turn to an attorney is often related to a unique situation in life. Our attorneys shall see to it that you will not be left alone in such a situation and ensure your legal safety and appropriate handling of your case.

Local and international services

Our attorneys handle assignments both in the Turku region and elsewhere in Finland. Our strong local knowledge allows us to recommend any other specialist possibly needed in handling your assignment. As a member of the broad LEInternational co-operation network our attorneys can also handle international assignments.

Compensatory damage law

Our attorneys shall see to it that in case of an accident the liability questions are solved and that a fair compensation is paid to the party that suffered the damage. Our attorney can negotiate with insurance companies for avoiding disputes, but if necessary, they also handle the compensatory damage litigations.

Family and inheritance law

With disputes concerning the discontinuing of cohabitation it is important to consult a good attorney on time. Our attorneys aim primarily at an amicable settlement, because it is the fastest and least expensive, but if it is not possible, we will apply for an executor to perform the distribution of assets and assist in presenting demands concerning the distribution of assets at estate distribution meetings.

Housing and real estate deals

For many people, buying a residence is one of the biggest purchases in their life. You need to watch closely that all statutory obligations related to the sale of a real estate or residence or leisure home are fulfilled both by the seller and buyer. Our attorneys handle contract negotiations and disagreements related to real estate and housing sale, construction, renovation, etc., such as disputes arising from mildew and moisture damage. If a price reduction or dissolution of sale cannot be agreed on amicably, the case will be taken to be solved in court.

Contractual negotiations and litigations

One of the basic professional requirements of an attorney is the ability to find out what a dispute is ultimately about and which alternatives there are for solving it. Contractual negotiations are always the primary choice if the other option is to take the case to court. Our attorneys are experienced negotiators in settling disputes, drafting various contracts, and implementing agreements.

Labour law

With labour law assignments, our attorneys provide consultation and assistance in actual dispute cases. We are happy to give advice beforehand to avoid conflicts. If the case is already disputed, however, our attorneys shall handle your case related to e.g. terminating or dissolving an employment relationship.

Criminal cases

Whether you are a complainant or defendant in a criminal case, we shall look after your legal safety. Part of an attorney’s expertise is to demand a fair compensation to the victim of a crime due to the damage suffered by them and, on the other hand, see to it that a not-guilty defendant is not convicted or that the sanction for the deed is not too severe. Our attorneys handle criminal case assignments in all court instances and assist complainants in preliminary investigation, as well as assisting suspects in preliminary investigation and detention hearing.

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